Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas Presents, Part !

Now... Being a good little Craftsgirl, I made most of my christmas gifts this year myself. Then again, I'm only giving away 7 presents in total haha.

I knitted, crocheted, felted, sewed and made jewellery. Tonight I'll find out if any of these DIYs please the gifted at all. :P

About giving presents...
I'm not much of a fan of -buying- presents. First of all, let's face it, I am broke on a regular basis. Then there's always the tantrum-evoking process of -choosing- a gift to fit each person you love - as in both thinking of something AND finding what you're looking for. Or worse, just go to a store and hope for an epiphany...

The WORST PART about presents whatsoever in my personal opinion is the goddamn idea everybody seems to share: "One item is not enough." As if it HAD to be more than one to matter, without even valuating the, well, value, of said items. It's such a horrible thing!!! Now I managed to never get into that thought process at all, but so, so, so many people I know are tangled in that mess of 'giving enough', it hurts.
Man, I don't even have presents for everyone who deserves them! For example I have never shared presents with my friends. Some of them, however, are crazy enough to get me stuff. Which makes me feel bad. We, people, need to stop this madness! It's so much not the point of gift sharing!!!

I'm not going to lie, I love recieving presents, and I love making them for others. But why does christmas always go along with a hint of a bad conscience about said presents, guilt for not giving someone something and all that?


This was not supposed to be a venting post. So I'm just gonna stop.
I'll upload pictures of the things I made, with the people I made the things for hopefully, in the next days.

Untill then,
make sure you spend the next days surrounded by people who make you feel loved! And only those!

Miss Marsh out!

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