So though I always liked to bake, cooking was never a thing I did just because it was fun. I used to do it because every now and then, the human body craves a warm meal. When I started living on my own, I mostly feasted on easy, simple, quick to make things (not just junk food though, mind you!). I never dared to experiment with food.
What changed? I don't know.
But I do know that the final turn towards cooking as a fun thing to do came, oddly enough, during a food challenge I did just for fun (It was a Hiit-Challenge called "Don't eat crap for 21 days"). During that time, I went absolutely food crazy!
So just let me share some dishes I made - may they appeal to you and inspire you to make a nice dinner tonight. ;)

Prawns in a coconut coating next to basmati rice with honey and cranberries. Honestly, this is the most exciting dish in this post. You can go home now. ^^
Pasta with a cream sauce featuring bits of bacon and brussel sprouts.
Brussel sprout chips, as seen on the Hiit-Diet recipe pages. Yum yum yum!
Ok, here's where it gets incredibly simple - chicken soup. I managed to go through a quarter of a century without ever making some myself - and now I can't stop. It's SO delicious!!!!!!!
Ooooh boy this is a good one. The basic ingredients are onions and apples. Yes, apples. In a pan. Together with onions. Trust me, it's good! Add what suits your mood, I included diced bacon, red bellpepper and mushrooms. The yellow things are "Schupfnudeln", the best way to describe them might be "potato dumplings"?
Aaand I also love baked potatos. Wait, no, I love potatos period.
Strawberry jam filled pancakes. <3
Ooooooon to the baking! Yay!
This was the birthday cake for a friend who is obsessed with Batman. :D We made it a 'thing' to create themed cakes for birthdays, matching the theme to whatever the person likes. For my birthday, I got the most freaking amazing cake with a marshmallow topping shaped and coloured to look like the face of Cthulhu!!! Omg!!! <3
(LOOK AT THAT!!! xD xD xD I absolutely freaked when I saw this!
If you're wondering, the box behind the cake of awesome contains a zombie apocalypse survival set. Fuck yeah I chose the right people as friends haha!)
We have had Ireland-Cake, cat muffins, a Dexter-themed cake... I love this little tradition in-the-making.
These are banana-oatmeal cookies with cranberries. Simple - mash (over)ripe bananas, add oatmeals untill it looks dough-ish, add whatever you like to the mix, bake. You can add chocolate, nuts, cinnamon, fruit pieces, maple syrup, raisins, anything!
My first go at Red Velvet Cupcakes, made for my boyfriend. As you might be able to tell, they're not red. Stupid recipe included too much cocoa powder and stupid me followed it blindly. Still yummy though.
So... what's cooking with you? ;)
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